Obs. Point is on the edge of Allegheny Front. To the West ca. 150m is an open wetland of our classic fen and Pinus rigida / classic fen (MONF.204). To our north is a dense spruce forest that will be our next plot. To the south over the saddle is dense Rhododendron with a stunted northern hardwoods forest. Across saddle is spruce / Rhododendron maximum.;Dry open shrubland with a few islands of flagged spruce trees and some Mtn. Laurel over a dense expanse of black huckleberry. Thin dry soils over Pottsville sandstone. The soils here were most likely burned at the turn of the century and is slowly moving back to a forest. Rock - Lichens - grasses - shrubs to next step of forest. The succession here is most likely slow due to the harsh conditions of short summers and long hard winters.
Large patch of a dwarf shrubland . The classic huckleberry flat. As seen on countless photos taken in the fall from Dolly Sods.